Thursday, March 20, 2008

5 Min. Workouts.

Don't have time to go to the gym? No worries!* we have some Quick and Easy workouts that take up 5 min! (Longer If Wished*) These workouts you will be able to do when you wake up, and before bed...WITHOUT BREAKING A SINGLE SWEAT!
*NOTE, before workout, it's VERY important you stretch!*

  • The Soccer Ball.
This one you are able to do whether your by yourself OR with a friend. To do one must lay themselves on the floor (partner across) laying on your back, you need to keep your feet in an upward position, Take a small pillow (once you get better use larger pillow for greater challenge) simply balance pillow on foot for starters, then once ya got it, toss it to your partner (if no partner try bouncing it up-and-down on legs) and have them do the same.

  • Mixin' And Machin'
For this one you just need to have a pen and piece of paper! list some easy workouts such as:

* Jumping-Jacks
* And stretches (head-roll,twisting arms and legs, jogs...)
write down these in an order such as:
10 Jumping Jacks
5 Push Ups
3 Sit ups
8 Crunches
20 different types of stretches.
do this every night, and notice how much lively you will feel!
(PS. you might want to change it up from time to time!)

Anastasia & Tiqvah.


Anonymous said...

Thank you so much! That touched me!

Anastasyia And Tiqvah. said...

OF COURSE!!! Thats why were here!
-Anastasia & Tiqvah